Watch out. Those dolphins look pretty horny.
- This is pretty big.
- Yeah, pretty big.
- You need a hand?
- No. No, thanks, Jack. We're doing fine.
Excuse me.
- What the hell is that?
- Who cares?
You know, I bet they're dope peddlers.
I bet they made a pick-up out at sea.
- It's possible.
- Should we tell somebody?
Huh! No!
By golly, if our new neighbors do that,
I don't feel bad about sneakin' in
their swimming pool while they're gone.
- You think it's safe?
- What are they gonna do, arrest us?
- Look at us. We're three harmless old men.
- Who knows what kind of people they are?
You know, I can't remember
the last time I really took a risk.