- I don't wanna relax!
- Why not let us explain?
Cos I don't wanna know anything.
And if you try to eat my face off,
or take over my body,
you're gonna be very sorry, mister.
You're gonna be very sorry!
Face-eating, Jack?
I've never heard of that.
Is that some sort of delicacy?
No. Forget I ever mentioned it.
- Are you sure I shouldn't try it, Jack?
- I'm positive.
Walter, Jack is our friend. Right, Jack?
Friend... Friend! That's right.
Friend. 100%. I'm your friend.
That's all I ever wanted to be. Your friend.
- But we do owe you an explanation.
- No, you don't owe me anything.
You don't...
Not even for the boat, honestly. It's free.
Jack. Of course we're gonna
pay you for the boat. We're honest.
Well, of course you're honest!
Did I ever accuse you of being dishonest?
I accused you of being from another planet.
But an honest planet.
Jack. Jack, sit down.
- I don't wanna sit down.
- Jack, sit!
Now, Jack,
I want you to listen to me very carefully.
We're Antareans.
We come from a planet called Antarea.
Yeah, that's what I pretty much figured.
100 centuries ago, we had an outpost
here on Earth, before the first upheaval.
- Well, I think I'm better off not knowing.
- Shh.
We were able to evacuate everyone
except for my ground crew.
- Ground crew?
- And now we've come back for them.
Boy. I thought I'd been around. Nothing
like this has ever happened to me before.
Now, Jack, you could turn us in.
Or you could do something else
to make things difficult for us.
But believe me, Jack,
we will still get our friends back.
And the only thing that would happen is that
we'd end up renting someone else's boat.