- Come on, Mr. Lefkowitz.
- You'll love it.
- You'll be a new man, Bernie, believe me.
- Remember, I said I'd look.
- I'm not promising I'll get wet.
- Fine. Just look.
By the way, right here
is where a crime is being committed.
Not by me, because I'm being carried.
Don't you worry, Bernie.
We'll take the fall for you.
Fall? That's another thing.
I fall, I break my hip, I can't sue anybody.
- It's nice and warm, Bernie.
- They're rocks.
What are rocks doing in a pool?
In an ocean, fine.
There I expect to see plenty of rocks.
But in a pool? No.
Hah! Cowardly cowardly custard!
Can't cut the mustard!
Come on, Bernie!
And it's Joe... Joe taking the lead...
Come on! Come on, navy! Come on!
Come on, you worn-out old pusses!
Dig, dig, dig, dig, dig!
I'll see you tomorrow.
Hey, fellas? Fellas, fellas, hey!
Somebody's comin'. Let's get out!
Let's get out of here.
Come on! Let's go. Come on!
- Come on. Get a move on.
- Come on. In here.