Honey, we've got the Tarnoff hearlng
tomorrow mornlng.
Do you want me to brlng
the notes home?
Yeah, great.
NIce to meet you, Daryl.
- You too.
- Bye, now.
Come on.
- HI, Mr. Fox.
- HI, Ronnle.
Take a seat rlght there.
OK. One thlng you can
be sure of, Daryl,
Is that, somewhere, somebody
Is looklng for you
and we'll hear from them.
Untll then, we're gonna try to make you
as comfortable as we know how.
Excuse me a moment, Daryl.
Physlcally, he's 1 00 percent,
but he Is sufferlng
substantlal amnesla.
He doesn't remember parents,
home, anythlng llke that.
It's probably psychologlcal rather than
pathologlcal memory loss.
He handles It well, though.
So you can certalnly go ahead.
Good. Thanks, Joe.
You're just gonna spend a nlght
or two here, Daryl.
Then we'll flnd a famlly that
wants to look after you untll...
...your own folks come
and take you home, OK?
- Thank you.
- OK.
It's extremely klnd of you to be looklng
after my welfare llke thls.
Yeah, well...
...that's what we do here.
- Yeah, we're tled off here.
- I got another wrap around thls end.
All rlght, now, take It away!
- Well, It's gettlng there.
- Hey.
- Thank you, Wes.
- RIght.
Yeah, well, some of us stlffs
gotta work for a llvlng, you know,
not llke some guys I know.
- So how was the vacatlon?
- Fantastlc.
- Great.
- LIsten, Andy,
there's somethlng I wanna
talk to you about.