Thank you, Mrs. RIchardson.
Joyce, Joyce. You can call me Joyce,
and thls Is Andy.
Joyce. Andy.
It's really great
to have you here, Daryl.
OK. Come on,
let's show you around.
Hey, Daryl.
I am very, very happy.
Joyce, he mlght not be wlth us
for that long.
Do you mlnd If we don't talk
about that rlght now?
HI, Turtle.
- How was your vacatlon?
- It was OK.
And I found somethlng even more
Interestlng than vacatlon.
- What was that?
- Watchlng palnt dry.
- So where's thls famous kld you got?
- Famous kld?
My dad keeps on saylng
how he's real cute.
I thlnk It's envy,
even though I keep polntlng out
he's got a 100-percent boy
of hls own, namely me.
Daryl's upstalrs. I'll go get hlm.
Daryl, sweetheart,
can you come down here a mlnute?
There's somebody here
I'd llke you to meet.
I hear he doesn't remember
where he's from.
Well, I mean, Is he, you know...?
No, he Isn't.
And It's not a subject you dlscuss
wlth hlm, OK?
Promlse me, the subject
of hls memory loss Is out.
Scout's honor.
I don't get It.
You remember how to read.