Of course It does.
That's the whole polnt.
I don't understand why you wanna
annoy your famlly.
For a genlus, you can be real stupld.
Come on.
What Is a hooker?
Hey, BIlly, walt for me!
- It's OK, Joyce. I'll take hlm In.
- Oh, well, I thlnk Daryl mlght...
You want a kld to show up for hls flrst
day at school wlth hls mother?
I appreclate the concern, Joyce,
but I'm sure Turtle
can show me around.
Come on, let's go.
Do you know how I desplse cheatlng?
Could you Imaglne what llfe would be
llke wlthout hope of ever gettlng back
Into my good graces?
- I only asked...
- SIlence!
Now, that glrl showed you
how to do It durlng a test.
That Is cheatlng.
That entltles me to call you a cheat.
A desplcable cheat.
Now, because It Is Monday...
...and out of the goodness
of my heart...
...I wlll pretend as If
It dldn't happen...
...but I am lousy at pretendlng.
So If It happens agaln...