
He wants to please you.
What's so tough about that?

He Irons hls own clothes,
makes hls own breakfast,
pollshes the bedroom floor.
He's a better mother than I am.
Sodas, Ice. Mrs. Kelth forgot,
and the massacre starts
In flve mlnutes.

Sodas! Ice!
It's gonna be another massacre.
- Safe.
- Safe. All rlght.

You got your work
cut out for you, Daryl.

Just do what I sald, OK?
Walt for your pltch. Walt for your pltch.

Don't rush It, OK? And llsten, just
come around easy on the ball, OK?

Just come around
and meet the ball, OK?

Do your best.
- You ever play ball before?
- Can It.

Look at hlm.
- Easy out.
- Easy out, don't worry.

You'll be flne.
Daryl. You have to run, Daryl!
- Yeah!
- Touch them all, Daryl!

Don't worry, that was nothlng.
Get the next one.

Don't worry.
