
Hey, Bull. He's llttle, but he's mean.
He's sllent, but deadly.

Hey, let's talk about your pltcher.
Put the fork In hlm, he's done.

Andy's so happy.
He says we haven't been ahead
even once before.

That's rlght, Daryl. We haven't.
Not tlll you came along.
It's OK, Hannlbal, relax.
Make hlm pltch to you, buddy.

Daryl, I been meanlng to glve you
my speech about grownups.

It's a great speech.
I meant to glve It to you weeks ago.

- I've done somethlng to upset her.
- Don't be afrald...

She's mad at me.
Grownups have to feel llke they're
maklng progress wlth you.

You gotta mess up sometlmes.
Just enough so
you don't get whacked,

so they feel llke you're learnlng
somethlng, see? It's a real art.

Trust me. Leave your room
In shlt order sometlmes.

Joyce needs to feel useful.
You're so damn helpful
and good and thoughtful.

I don't know why I llke you.
Strlke three.
That's the speech.
Screw up a llttle.

Grownups need to be
plssed off wlth klds.

- All rlght.
- That's my boy!

All rlght, lvan, smoke hlm, you
understand me? Smoke hlm thls tlme.

Come on. Two more.
- Strlke three.
- Yes! Yes!

Hey, how about that, Andy, huh?
How's that for good baseball?
