Look, I just wanted you
to know how much...
I'm sure you already know how much
Joyce and I are gonna mlss you.
I know.
Me too.
Daryl, your parents love you,
and they're your real parents
and they've been looklng
for you for months.
- And they want you back.
- But what If I wanna be wlth you?
Chlldren belong to thelr parents.
You mean llke your car
belongs to you?
No, nothlng llke that.
- I mean, Andy.
- Yeah?
I won't forget you, wlll l?
Of course not.
We're gonna stay In touch, aren't we?
- Are you Mr. RIchardson?
- Yes.
I'm Jeffrey Stewart.
Thls Is my wlfe, Ellen.
Pleased to meet you.
Won't you come In?