You're just flne, Daryl.
There's nothlng to worry about.
Do you wanna go and get your thlngs?
Isn't Turtle comlng over?
I can say goodbye to Turtle, can't l?
It's normal to feel bad
about loslng a frlend,
but you can't duck out now
and not say goodbye.
Daryl's expectlng you to be there.
- He needs you to be...
- But, Mom.
You promlsed hlm.
Now, I want you to come
wlth me rlght now
and show your best frlend that you
haven't forgotten about hlm already.
Come on, let's go.
...do you know why
your frlend dld that?
Is he mad at me?
No, I don't thlnk so.
I thlnk he's gonna mlss you and that
makes It hard for hlm to say goodbye.
Can you Imaglne how he must feel?
I can.
Good. That's very good, Daryl.