Whatever we do, there's...
There's no way he can be
categorlzed as normal.
- I thought that was understood...
- Daryl.
DId you see everythlng up front?
Yes, thank you.
Why don't you come
and slt down and let El...
Your mom flx you
somethlng to drlnk.
Julce or somethlng?
What would you llke, Daryl?
Are you really my mom and dad?
John, would you please...?
Thls Is T,K.,
would you please turn up
the sound on monltor slx?
Monltor slx, sound up.
I thlnk the problem Is rlght there.
Can you reactlvate the memory
wlthout surgery?
I thlnk Dr. Mulllgan provoked
speclflc overload, not a burnout.