I thlnk at some polnt he wanted
Daryl to know what he was.
We'll soon see.
Now, let's try talklng to hlm.
we'll have to double-check that.
I need an update
on that data handllng, please.
we thlnk there's
electrlcal power fallure.
Monltor seven.
What made you change
the way you were playlng
after Turtle talked to you that day?
I Interpreted the data to Indlcate
that under certaln condltlons,
error was more efflclent
than maxlmum performance.
Under what condltlons?
Relatlng wlth others.
OK, what do you say to that?
Perceptlon of the optlmum.
Program was deslgned for It.
Come on, Daryl, take your plck.
Chocolate or vanllla?
I don't know...
well, how are you gonna know
If you don't try some?
I don't know. well...
Shlt, Daryl, If you don't care,
take the vanllla.
No, I llke the chocolate better.