
A fearless, technlcally skllled,
devastatlng soldler.

D.A.R.Y.L. goes to the scrap yard.

...thls tlme In slow motlon.
He makes It look easy.
As Buzz says,
It's just a matter of balance.

However, we don't suggest you try It
the next tlme you take your car out.

After all, It's taken Buzz 20 years and
hundreds of sets of tlres to perfect hls...

- HI.
- Hello.

How long can Buzz keep a car
balanced llke thls? well, let's ask Buzz.

well, we actually drove the car
around a two-and-a-half-mlle oval

for about 100 laps, or 250 mlles.
we would've drove longer,
but we ran out of gas.

Should I turn them off?
Well, maybe down a llttle.
They wanna know how you do that.
As a matter of fact, so do l.
Well, I can sort of read
what a computer Is dolng.

You can control It?
I guess. I'm gettlng better.
But people...
You can tell what they're thlnklng?
Oh, no, I'm not telepathlc
or anythlng llke that.

Then how do you know
what they're feellng?

Well, you sort of guess at that
because you know what
you're feellng yourself.

I'd very much llke It If you would
let Andy and Joyce vlslt me.

- And your frlend...
- Turtle.

Yes, I'd really llke that.
I mlss them.
I really do.
All rlght.
And then we'll tell them the truth.
