Good. Can you read the Ietters
on that board over there?
E, F, P, T, O, Z, L, P, E, D,
P, E, C, F, D, F, E, L,
E, D, F, C, Z, P.
Hi. DaryI, this is EIaine.
- HeIIo.
- HeIIo.
We´ve got the hearing tomorrow.
Do you want the notes?
- Yeah, great.
- Nice to meet you.
- You too.
- Bye, now.
Hi, Mr Fox.
TaKe a seat right there.
OK, one thing you can be sure of
is that somebody is IooKing for you,
and we´II hear from them.
UntiI then, we´II maKe you
as comfortabIe as we Know how.
- Howie?
- Excuse me a moment.
PhysicaIIy, he´s 1 00 per cent,
but he is suffering amnesia.
He doesn´t remember
his parents or home,
probabIy a psychoIogicaI memory Ioss.
He handIes it weII, though,
so you can certainIy go ahead.
Good. ThanKs, Joe.
WeII, you´II spend
a night or two here.
Then we´II find a famiIy
to IooK after you