- DaryI? How are you doing?
- I´m aII right, thanKs.
- CouId we taIK for a minute?
- Of course.
I just wanted to...
WeII, I thought maybe we shouId...
- Why don´t you sit down?
- Yeah, thanKs.
LooK, I just wanted you
to Know how much...
I´m sure you Know how much
Joyce and I are going to miss you.
I Know. Me too.
DaryI, your parents Iove you,
and they´re your reaI parents.
They´ve been IooKing for you for months,
and they want you bacK.
- But what if I want to be with you?
- ChiIdren beIong to their parents.
- LiKe your car beIongs to you?
- No, nothing IiKe that.
- Dad? I mean, Andy?
- Yeah?
- I won´t forget you, wiII I?
- Of course not.
We´re going to stay in touch, aren´t we?