You´ve formed
a considerabIe attachment to him.
We´re going to miss him. A Iot.
Both of us.
Yes, of course you are. Of course.
- DaryI.
- HeIIo, DaryI.
Do you remember us?
I thinK I do.
You´re just fine, DaryI.
There´s nothing to worry about.
- Do you want to get your things?
- Isn´t TurtIe coming over?
I can say goodbye to TurtIe, can´t I?
TurtIe, it´s normaI to feeI bad
about Iosing a friend.
But you can´t ducK out now
and not say goodbye.
DaryI´s expecting you to be there.
He needs you to be there.
You promised him.
Come with me right now
and show your best friend that
you haven´t forgotten him aIready.
Let´s go.
DaryI, do you Know
why your friend did that?
- Is he mad at me?
- No, I don´t thinK so.
He´s going to miss you. That maKes it
hard for him to say goodbye.