- I lIk e the chocolate better.
- Is thIs a fInal decIsIon?
don´t eat that. daryl spIt In It.
- Did you prefer chocoIate?
- Oh, sure.
- Why?
- I just did. TurtIe IiKes raspberry.
- There´s no difference.
- They taste different.
- And he´s not programmed for taste.
- It´s programmed to Iearn.
- Not to choose between fIavours!
- It´s picKing up behaviour patterns.
- Stop caIIing him ´´ it´´ !
- ThanK you.
We´ve got to run biochemicaI tests
untiI we find where this comes from.
Don´t worry, DaryI. You can´t come
to any harm. We won´t hurt you.
What are you going to do?
Why do you have to do this?
We´re going to taKe some sampIes.
You won´t feeI it.
- Dr Stewart?
- What´s going on?
It just started.
- This is crazy!
- Someone´s pIaying with the computer.
AII right, DaryI,
we´II forget the tests.
No tests, OK?
- You maKe some extraordinary cIaims.
- Just simpIe observations, GeneraI.
- You say it can feeI human emotion.
- Yes.
He experiences pIeasure and pain.