Death Wish 3

See? I got a lawyer.
But I gotta tell you... If they hadn't
broken us up, I would've killed you.

Next time... you won't even see me coming.
Tell you what, I'm gonna kill
a little old lady. Just for you.

Catch it on the six o'clock news.
You got some free time, come up
to Sutter and Belmont. That's my turf.

So long, asshole.
It's gonna take them a couple of hours
to put the papers through.

Two more hours in this fucking pit!
Sure. Whatever you say.
Shriker! Inspector Shriker, what are
you doing with this prisoner, Kimble?

- Keeping him in jail.
- What's the bail?

- There is no bail.
- What are the charges?

- There are no charges.
- Are you out of your mind?

You're violating all his rights.
What the hell do you think you're doing?

- He'll sue. He's got a case, you know.
- Not likely.

Who is Kimble?
You're gonna have to let him out.

Stay out of this one, Miss Davis.
Three murders. Four rapes. Eight muggings.
Nine acts of random violence.

The most orderly drug traffic.
More robberies than I care to mention.

Broken store windows. Firebombings.
All within a six-square-block area
of Sutter and Belmont.

I could qualify that as a riot.
This isn't a neighborhood, it's a war.

What are we doing about that,
Captain Sterns?
