- What about the cops? They do anything?
- Yeah. They enforce the parking laws.
Yes. Thank you.
Well, my friend Wildey's coming.
He'll help out.
- Who's Wildey?
- You'll see.
Where are you going?
You just take it easy, Bennett.
This is my problem.
I'd like to rent a box for a month.
OK, this is all right.
- How are you gonna pay for it?
- Cash.
- What's that for? The new car.
- That's bait.
Coming through the lobby, I smelled
something cooking. It smelled great.
It was probably coming from
the Kaprovs' apartment.
- Kaprovs?
- Yeah. I'll introduce you. Come on.
These are the Kaprovs. This is Eli, Erica.
This is Mr. Kersey. He's now in apartment
2C. He was admiring your dinner.
- Stuffed cabbage.
- Smells wonderful.
- Would you like to join us?
- Sure.
- Can I have a few minutes to clean up?
- Certainly.
I'll be right back.
Nice man.