By late in the 21st century the nations
of the Earth were finally at peace,
working together to explore
and colonize the distant reaches of space.
Unfortunately, we weren't alone out there.
A race of nonhuman aliens called the Dracs
were claiming squattersÂ’ rights
to some of the richest
star systems in the galaxy.
Well, they weren't
gonna get it without a fight.
Space was the new battleground.
For many of us, Earth became
a precious memory light years away.
Our only home was a fortress in space.
As in any war, there were long periods
with nothing to do but wait.
And then...
All personnel to battle stations.
Prepare to launch. This is not an exercise.
All personnel to battle stations.
Prepare to launch. This is not an exercise.
Flight Leader, this is Echo Two.
Four bandits at three o'clock.
Roger, Echo Two. I copy.
Right 90 and go for it.