European Vacation

Of course they do.
We're a family.
We're going to Europe as a family.

- Don't we have a say in this?
- I think we should vote on it.

I can be big about this.
We'll be a democracy. Everybody votes.

Who will be president?
Let's vote on that.
We'll have a secret ballot.

Write down your choice...
...give it to your mother.
This will be for the President
of the Republic of Griswald.

All right, that's one for Clark.
One for Rusty.
One for Jack.
One for Clark.
That's two for Clark.
As President of the Griswald Republic,
I move we go to Europe.

Jack, you wait here.
What are you doing?
A little memento before we go away,
I just got the kids.

I don't want anyone to see me like this.
No one will see you.
Remember that song you did
in college in that musical?

No, I'm not going to do that. I won't do it.
I'm going to erase this.
Okay. Go over there.
I'm ready. Wait a minute. Okay.
