European Vacation

- I don't know where our room is.
- It's right here.

They don't even put numbers on the doors.
Here's our English transportation.
Now we'll have some fun.

- Where's the wheel?
- Other side, Dad.

You're driving on the wrong side
of the road.

I realize that, honey.
I'm also on the wrong side of the car.

- I'm sorry.
- No trouble, my dear chap.

I've had this bump for ages.
Now I have an excuse to fix it.

I'm fully covered.
I should thank you.
- Very sorry, again.
- No problem.

God, he was nice.
It's not bad in England, huh?
God, I must say,
the English are certainly...

We seem to have run into a bit of trouble.
What rotten luck.

I'm sorry.
I'm trying to get back to our hotel.
