
I'm going to reverse our x-axis diode.
Hold your ears.

I'm turning off the field,
and air's gonna rush in for a second.

- Aren't we still going up?
- No, this is great!

Not only do we have new fresh air,
but I tricked the computer

so it thinks it's going
in the opposite direction

than it actually is. It's great.
- Well, then we're going straight down.
- Well, yeah...

- We're going straight down.
- OK, OK.

Oh, we made it.
Oh, we made... Oh, OK.
- Twelve-volt system, off.
- Wait, Wolfgang.

- We're not on the ground.
- And last but not least.

- I've been waiting for this.
- We're not on the ground.

Of course we are!
We're home, we're home!

- Field, off.
- Don't do it!

You idiot!
You broke my Walkman,
you're dead.

Yeah, well, I got us
back down, didn't I?

You sure did.
Wow. It took us right back home.
What's so funny?
That was great!
That was incredible!
