All right!
- So, what happens now?
- I'll take us up higher and...
And then they'll contact us, I guess.
I can't stop thinking
about what's up there.
I mean, what kind of life?
You mean, will it be some
kind of slimy blob?
It could be anything.
I mean, it could be pure energy,
or it could be thought waves.
I mean, I don't know.
It could be something
we can't even imagine.
How about a planet full
of Amazon women
who wanna breed a new race?
- You pervert.
- Oh, come on, you guys.
You'll see. It'll be great.
It'll be the greatest thing ever.
They're here.
See, they're taking over.
- Wow, what was that?
- What happened?
- Where are we?
- Oh, my God.
Eaten alive.
- What if we wanna go back?
- Go back?
Now you say this?
Why don't you look around,
it's a little too late!
Will you shut up?
It'll be all right. Just don't spoil it.
We are going where no man
has gone before,
to unlock the secrets
of the universe.