Tough it out, son. Tough it out.
Well, now, what do you
boys want for breakfast?
Okay, chili.
Guess y'all know what this means,
don't you?
We got to dig up Dom.
Open up, Philip.
You're not taking my car to Mexico.
Well, Dom's not in Mexico, son.
He's on the border.
l know where he is.
Do you mean to tell me that you'd let Dom
stay buried out there for a century...
...as a damn fossil
for some post-historic nerd to find?
No. l mean to tell you that we're not
driving 400 miles in my car...
-...to go down there and dig him up.
-But you swore, son. We all did.
Took a holy Groover oath.
Come one, Phil, we're dog meat.
This could be our last chance.
He's right, Philip. We're facing combat
and questionable life spans.
lt's not like we're going after some
nameless piece of trash alongside the road.
No, sir. We're going after Dom, Philip.
A dear bud we laid to rest
the very night the Groovers were born...
...is all l'm talking about.
Bonds and beers and the five of us, Philip.
Driving down that long, lonesome highway.
l'm talking about us reliving
the greatest chapter in Groover history.
Don't that mean something to you?