That is so neat.
-Would y'all like to do that, huh?
-Only if it's neat.
We got tons of bottle rockets
left over from Christmas.
We just gonna pull off the road or what?
No, l think we'll go to my daddy's place.
Just what exactly
does your daddy do, Lorna, darling?
He's in the funeral business.
This is his cemetery.
Come on, y'all.
Come on.
Come on. You'll get used to it.
Can't we just find
a playground or something?
This has been my playground
ever since l can remember.
Lots of places to hide.
-l ain't gonna ask what we're hiding from.
-From each other.
No fun shooting them off in the air.
-You gotta have moving targets.
-Ain't that just a tad dangerous?
No. lt's so neat.
-We'll choose up sides.
-Okay. Me and Waggener and Phil.
Y'all take the Garden of the Good
Shepherd and the Garden of Bliss.
We'll count to 1 00,
then we'll come after you.
No aiming for the face. And be real careful.
These could go off
and hurt somebody.
We started!
Get Phil!
Get him!