All right, l will.
-On one condition.
-Anything you say.
No, you've got to swear it,
in case l'm not here.
-Consider it sworn.
-Me too.
lf l do this...
...you got to swear
you won't dodge the draft.
-l don't know what you're talking about.
-You gotta swear...
...you won't skip off to Mexico with him!
l know you better than you think.
-Let's do it.
-Hey, real gung ho, huh?
-He can't wait to get started.
-Come on in, sign a release, and we'll go.
-A release?
-Saying you won't sue me if you get killed.
Okay, you'll be coming out here and doing
a stable fall facedown, frog modified.
Out here comes the static line.
lt goes from this to here.
The pilot chute opens, pulling the bridle out,
and then the main canopy will be open.
And then you'll be down here,
looking up here for the WDl indicator.
And you'll also check for Mae West.
lf that's not there, you need to check here
for four panels and a hole.
When you come down, you'll find the P,
you'll land here and get in this position.
Except you don't wanna do that.
That's trouble.
What you want to do is get right here,
come around here, fold up...
...and do a toggle and jettison,
and always watch the horizon, okay?