You gotta be cool, dude.
Do that in the real thing,
and you'll bounce.
Yeah, when somebody makes the big drop,
they don't really spatter.
They just kind of bounce,
like, about 1 0 feet.
Around here, you don't,
because the landing zone's real soft.
Although l know one case where
a guy left a crater like a meteorite.
Did he burn when he entered
the atmosphere?
-No. l don't think so.
-Okay. He's got this down.
-Are we ready to suit him up?
-Oh, sure thing, Mr. Barnes.
Test one.
Test two.
Okay, you're all set, man.
l'll be talking you down on this thing.
ls something the matter, dude?
Look, if it'll make it easier, l'll jump first
so as you can watch how it's done.
Oh, God.
What a space cadet l am, huh?
Well, l can't do that.
lf l do that,
who's gonna land the plane?
Oh, God.
That was a joke, son.
lt was a bad joke.
There she is.
What a beaut.
-l painted her myself.
-Slow year, huh?
-Looks fast, Truman.
-Yeah. lt's the stripes.
-Yeah. Well, l like those.
-Trelis painted those.
She's real talented.
Watch your heads, now.