Me boys!
Forget the flesh of Christ. Les drink!
For Chriss sake, Celine,
get your heathen piss out of here. Kneel!
Come on, you bloody bastards!
This stuff will curl the hair of Christ!
Eat it, you damn sinners. Without it,
you won't go to the soldiers' paradise...
- where wine and whores abound!
- Mass is over, Cardinal.
- There you are, my love.
- Leave some for me, Summer.
Prepare to attack, my boys!
If these two perverts die
without Holy Communion...
they'll burn in Hell forevermore, Captain.
Whas more important to you?
Your immortal souls or your empty purses?
Is high time to launch the attack,
because that was my city.
They threw me out!
Give it back to me, and you can ransack
the houses of the rich for 24 hours.
- Arnolfini!
- I'm giving you a free hand!
Not with your own filthy hands, Martin.
Cardinal, you'll miss the loot. Come on.
Martin, come to me.
Come back.
I'll think about it.
Beat the drum for the attack, Little John!
Yes, Captain! I'm coming!
Wait. Eat this first.
Thas enough, Mama.
- Come back. You didn't pay me.
- I'll pay you from the spoils.
- Keep this little spot warm for me, Polly.
- Is never been cold.
Les go to work.