Are you looking for something?
I read a book in the convent library,
about love and black magic.
There was a passage I found fascinating.
- What was it about?
- A magic root. Mandrake.
It grows in a place like this.
If a man and a woman eat of it,
they will love each other forever.
Did it also say
why you have to dig in this particular spot?
The nuns inked out
that passage very carefully.
When a man is hanged, he comes...
and his semen spills to the ground.
Thas where your mandrake sprouts.
Explains why the passage was inked out.
There, what did I tell you? Mandrake.
Here, half each.
Eat it, and we'll love each other forever.
- Rubbish.
- Have you ever tried it?
Of course not.
Any scholar will tell you is nonsense.
And you want to investigate nature.
I thought real scientists
didn't believe in hearsay...
that they had to investigate everything
for themselves.
Well, I'll eat it.
I like to try things out for myself.
All right.