Come on, Polly.
- Load the wagons.
- Les go.
A victim of the plague. Move aside!
- Cover your mouth.
- That doesn't help a damn.
They say you can get the plague
from putrid air.
They'll tell you a lot of nonsense.
When people aren't sure,
they make things up.
Whas that?
You! Wait a moment.
Captain, Agnes' dress.
Where did you get this?
Where did you get the dress?
- Leave her alone!
- This dress, where did she get it?
This was no dress, just rags.
She found them on an old campsite.
They ripped it off her, Captain.
The foul scum.
Where did you find it, my dear?
- There were wagons, were there not?
- In which direction did they go?
- Come on girl, speak.
- Yes. Why don't you say something?
Open your mouth, child.
Some soldiers...
big fellows like you,
raped her when she was a child...
and then cut out her tongue for fun.
Come, my friend. We'll learn nothing here.