Like a burglary attempt?
You come in and catch me
stealing your ties and money?
We scuffle. The gun
gets loose and I shoot you.
- Are you a good shot?
- Yeah, I'm all right.
Get me on the first shot,
if you can.
- Do you have a passport?
- Can dig one up.
Good. Now, after you kill me,
take the Jaguar.
The keys will be
in the glove compartment.
- Take it where?
- L.A.X.
Pan Am will have a ticket for you.
- Where am I going?
- Rio.
It departs at 11 p.m.
They serve dinner onboard?
And a movie and drinks.
Stay down there
for a year.
You certainly
thought this out.
I don't leave
a great deal to chance.
Those will be open?
Take care of the gloves,
the passport and the aim.
I'll handle
everything else.
The gun, the money,
the tickets...
and the dying.
Thas right.
Looks like you
get the hard part.
What do you say?
You'll be doing me
a great service.
Will you kill me?
Hey! Good to see you.
how are you?
Can I steal you?
If you promise
not to return me.