attorney for the former
Mrs. Erwin Fletcher.
Time to use
the service entrance.
Refusal to pay alimony
is a jailable offense, Fletch.
What about trespassing
and loitering?
I am neither loitering
nor trespassing.
I've simply chosen
an advisable location...
to await my cliens
delinquent husband.
I prefer to discuss
business inside.
Leave your rubbers outside.
A little one-on-one?
He draws the foul.
You owe Wendy $918.
She doesn't need it. She's been
living with somebody for months.
I don't
what you're referring to.
Wendy maintains
her own residence.
This stinks.
I empathize, Fletch.
However, you threw her out.
She slept with everybody.
Prove that in court.
My lawyer was a bum.
I agree.
They slept together.
You may be right.
Are you serious?
Thas history, Fletch.
You owe us $918.
I think our problems may just
be solved. Ed McMahon.