Look how he shakes off
four or five defenders with ease.
Fletch... he truly defines
grace under pressure.
See if you've got anything on Stanwyk
from when he lived in Utah.
Yeah. And check out a realtor
in Provo named Swarthout.
Whas going on?
Take off, Fletch!
What are you doing?
They're after
Gummy again.
Slow down.
This is dumb.
Come on, man!
He's defenseless.
Get up!
What are you doing?
Let me out!
Beat it, cop!
Hey, you're really nuts.
You OK?
Yeah. I feel like $100.
- They didn't do anything.
- What are you talking about?
I busted their window.
You're lucky.
Is not luck.
They didn't want me.
They wanted Gummy.
The cops and Gummy...
Relax, Frank.
I need more time.
I could be onto something.