Are you always
this forward?
Only with
wet married women.
[Knock At Door]
Get the door!
Ah. Very good, gentlemen.
Come right in.
Right in this way.
Right in here.
Thas good.
Thas very nice.
Want I set up?
No, I'll take care of it.
Give each other $20.
- Put it on Underhill.
- Muchas gracias.
Sierra del fuego.
Oh, this is beautiful.
There we have it.
This goes
on the Underhills' bill?
I saved his life
during the war.
- You were in the war?
- No, he was. I got him out.
I can't believe
I'm doing this.
This is great.
Les eat.
- Your bill, señor.
- Oh, thank you.
- $400 for lunch?
- Your guest, señor.
We didn't have
any guests today.
Two bottles of Dom Perignon?
$100 a pop!
- Jesus H. Christ! Where is he?
- With Ms. Stanwyk.
- Where's she?
- Cabana one.
Can I ask you a question?
- Depends on the question.
- More champagne?
- Yes.
- Are you still in love with Alan?
No. I mean, no, you can't
ask me that question.
- Ask me another one.
- Why'd you let me in?
Um, because I'm bored.
If you're bored, why didn't you
go to Utah with Alan?
Utah's not exactly
a cure for boredom.
Good point.
I've never been there.
I shouldn't say that.
What about his parents?
He hasn't seen them for years.
I've never met them.
They don't get along?
[Knock At Door]
- Mrs. Stanwyk.
- Yes?
I'm sorry to disturb you.
Is Ted Underhill.