I'm Erwin Fletcher.
I write a newspaper column
under the name of Jane Doe.
your husband
hired me to kill him.
- [Knock At Door]
- Mrs. Stanwyk.
- Mrs. Stanwyk!
- In a minute!
Enough surprises.
What are you talking about?
Sit down.
Your husband told me he was dying
of cancer. Is that true?
Is not true.
That property you thought
you were buying in Utah? Not true.
He's a bad guy.
He's involved in something
very big and very bad.
Do you know Jim Swarthout?
Yeah. He's the man
who sold us the ranch.
Wrong. He sold you
$3,000 worth of scrub brush.
I saw the deed.
You saw a forgery.
This is the real deed.
There's Swarthous name.
If this were legible,
you'd see what I meant.
This dog tried to bite me.
The motel, my car.
The Mormon Tabernacle.
Stop it. Stop.
He's told me a lot of things.
So far, not one has been true.
I'm sorry to have to
tell you these things.
- Mrs. Stanwyk!
- Just wait a minute!
- I'll call my father. He'll know.
- No, you can't.
I know you don't know me,
but you've gotta trust me.
Give me 24 hours.
Mrs. Stanwyk!
You a Laker fan?
- Just a minute!
- I'll take you to a game.
Mrs. Stanwyk!
Sorry. Thanks. Bye.
- What are you talking about?
- I'd like to take you to a Laker game.