Fool for Love

- You got any tequila?
- You already drank my tequila!

- Come on, I wanna show you somethir.
- I'm in the middle of somethir here.

- I'm tryir to talk to somebody.
- Show you something.

Look at that.
Remember that?
Where'd you get this?
Take a look at that picture over there.
- You know who that is?
- I'm not sure.

It's Barbara Mandrell.
That's who that is. Barbara Mandrell.
You heard of her?
Yeah, sure.
Would you believe me
if I told you I was married to her?

- No.
- Uh-huh.

You see, that's the difference right there.
I'm actually married to Barbara Mandrell
in my mind.

Can you understand that?
- Yeah, sure.
- Oh, good.

I'm glad we have an understanding.
