And to what do I owe
this dubious pleasure?
The vampire knows
I know about him.
Or at least he will
when he wakes up tonight.
What are you talking about?
Avampire is living
next doorto me...
and he's gonna kill me
if I don't protect myself.
- What?
- I haven't got time to explain.
Just tell me what to do
to protect myself.
Very funny, Brewster.
Evil, please!
I'm not kidding!
- Tell me what to do!
- Don't call me Evil any more!
Why should I help you anyway?
Look, I've got eight bucks.
Help me and it'syours.
Far be it from me
to turn down a fool's money.
Where and when doyou expect
the vampire to attack?
In my bedroom, tonight.
Start with this.
Butyou must have total faith in it
for it to work
Then get some garlic.
Links ofthe stuffyou can wear around
your neck and hang from yourwindow.
Ifhe comes foryou,
that'll be theway. Then--
Oh, of course!
There's holywater!
Butyou gotta get a priest
to say a blessing over it first.
- That's it?
- I'm afraid so.
Butyour best protection
right now, Charles...
is that a vampire
cannot enteryour house...
without being invited
by the rightful owner first.
- Are you sure?
- Positive.
Thankyou. Thankyou.