Now, shall we go?
Where's your stakes and hammers?
I left them in my bag.
You're not going in there
without them.
But I have to prove that he is a vampire
before I kill him, Charley.
Look, I know he's a vampire!
I am the one
who has to know, Charley.
How are you gonna do that?
This is holy water.
If a drop touches him,
he will blister.
I have asked him to drink it...
while we all watch.
He readily agreed.
But if I'm right and you prove
he is a vampire...
he'll kill us all.
No, hewon't, Charley.
After all, I am here to protect you,
and I am PeterVincent!
I know, MrVincent, but--
Hey! PeterVincent.
Billy Cole.
This is a pleasure.
Won't you all come in?
And Charley.
Hey,jer! They're here.
Perhaps he didn't hear you.
He heard me, all right.
I've seen all your films...
and I've found them...
very amusing.
Oh. Thank you.
And who are these two...
attractive young people?
Ed Thompson.
Amy Peterson.