Charley, I said stop it!
Jesus, Amy,
give me a break!
We've been going together
almost a year.
All I ever hear is
"Charley, stop it."
I'm sorry.
Me too.
I'm just scared, that's all.
Let's get into bed.
You mean it?
I'm ready.
Amy, you're not gonna
believe this.
There are two guys in theyard
carrying a coffin.
We have pledged ourselves
to evil.
And they're on the moors,
- Amy, I'm serious.
- So am I.
Do you want to make love
or not?
Amy, quick, come here.
You gotta see this.
Okay, maybe it wasn't a coffin...
but I saw two guys carrying
something into that house.
I don't understand you.
First you want to make love,
and then you don't.
What's wrong?
Nothing, Mom.
Come in here, you two.