Fright Night

Is this 99 Oak?
No, that's next door.
- Hey, Mom?
- Yeah. I'm in here.

Have you seen
the new guy next door?

No, but he's got
a live-in carpenter.

With my luck,
he's probably gay.

I don't think so.
- Why? What do you know that I don't?
- Oh, nothing.

I gotta go study.
Study? You?
I'm really sorry
about the other night.

It was my fault, notyours.
It was?
Look, Amy, I loveyou.
I never wanna fight
with you again.

I'm so glad we're getting this
straightened out.

- Police have reporteda second murder.
- I've been miserable the past two days.

The second victim,
whose body was found this morning...

was a known prostitute.
Not talkin' to you
on the phone--

Charley, are you
listening to me?

The mutilated corpse was found under
the North Creek bridge by the old mill.

There are no leads--
- Know what I heard on the police band?
- What?

That wasn't the only murder.
The second in two days.
