-Therewas nobody else here.
- That's a lie.
I saw him carry her body out
in a plastic bag.
What doyou say to that?
Kid's crazy. I took some bags out,
but they were full oftrash.
Here, let me showyou.
Look, the bag I saw
had a body in it, not trash.
You actually see the body,
- Well, no, but--
- Okay.
Let me take you out back I'll show you
the bags I put in the garbage.
- Okay, let's see them.
- I can prove he's lying!
Let's look in the basement
What's down there, Charley?
Yes, Charley.
What's down there?
Obviously the boy's
made a mistake, Officer.
A coffin! That's what's down there.
I saw them carry it in.
Jerry Dandrige is in it,
sleeping the sleep ofthe undead.
What are you talking about?
- He's a vampire.
- Uh-oh!
I saw him last night. He had fangs,
and he bit her on the neck
For heaven's sake!
- Come on.
- What?
We can't just leave like this!
I got a coffin foryou!
I don't care whatyou say!
please listen to me!
Look, I'm tellingyou,
Jerry Dandrige is a vampire.
Sure, and I'm Dirty Harry.
If I ever catch your ass at the station
again, I'm throwing it in jail forever!
just listen to me for a second!
I know it's crazy!
I know that, but--
Look, Lieutenant--
Oh, my God.