Well, let us try again
beforeyou do anything.
There's not enough time, Amy.
Well, what happens
ifyou go into that house alone...
and he getsyou?
Who's gonna stop him then?
Yeah. Then he'll be able to suck his way
through the entire town.
Not that it would be
much ofa loss.
Charley, it's gonna be dark soon.
You don'twant to go
into that house then, doyou?
No, you're right there.
- All right, try him again.
- Great.
You promiseyou're not gonna
do anything till you hearfrom us?
Okay. Come on.
You don't believe me,
I love you, Charley.
Hey, Amy, come on!
Mr. Vincent,
could we talk to you for a moment?
I'm afraid now
is not the best time.
It's very important.
Well, if you would just...
wait there for one moment--
Come in!
What can I do for you?
An autograph, perhaps?
Perhaps an interview
for your school newspaper?
I'm afraid this is
much more important.
What could be more important
than my autograph?
Saving a boy's life.
Oh. Yes.
I can see where that
could be more important.
Perhaps you would care to explain.