So l come home, and l find you...
in the middle of l don't even know what!
-Why did you lie to me?
-l didn't lie.
l have been working on the house.
That's all l've been doing.
Look, l got sidetracked.
l figure this stuff
has something to do with my parents.
l don't know who they were, so l'm curious.
-Don't you understand that?
-No, l don't understand it!
That's just the problem. l don't understand!
Don't do this to me!
When l walked in that room
l saw someone that l didn't even know.
l saw...
a stranger.
Rebecca, please.
lt's nothing. Honest.
l'll cut it out. l swear.
Rebecca, l love you.
You know that.
l just get scared, that's all.
This is the last time
you'll hear anything about it.
l swear.