-Me first.
-No! Me first.
Excellent. Well done.
What are your names?
-l am called Grizzel.
-And l am called Greedigut.
And who am l?
-You are Jonathan.
-Our master. What is it you wish, Master?
and power.
These things we can do.
What about Rebecca?
Do you want her as well?
-You know of Rebecca?
-We know of many things, Master.
-l want her.
-Then you shall have her.
-As for the other things you wish--
-There must be a master ritual!
And there must be seven others,
besides yourself.
When the moon is full.
The ritual is fraught with danger, Master.
What? Answer me now!
The ritual is dangerous.
But you must perform it
if you wish to achieve knowledge.
And power.
And power.