You look, she looks,
then you say it.
Don't say it
like it's dirty.
Say it
from the heart.
Then it ain't dirty,
it's passion.
You goin' back
to the apartment?
Nah, I gotta go
to my folks' house.
Your dad still givin'
you a hard time
about goin' to Europe?
You kidding?
He "loves" the idea.
- It's out of the question.
- Why?
We've been through this
a hundred times.!
Europe costs a fortune.
Dad, I'm getting
a special deal
through school.
Oh, thanks,
You're welcome,
Look, it's part of
my education. You want me
to get an eduction, don't you?
When school's in session,
you get an education.
When it's not in session,
you get a job!
- Mom...
- Don't say "Mom."
Don't say "Al."
He says "Mom," you say "Al,"
and the whole thing
comes out of my pocket.
You're gonna learn
a hell of a lot more
workin' in the real world...
than you will chasin' skirts
around Pomona.
"Pamplona, Pomona"...
I don't care if it's Cleveland.
You're not goin'.
It's out of the question!
Why does it have to be
either/or with you two?
You want to go to Europe,
you want him to go to work.
- Why can't you do both?
- Fine.
- Fine.
- Fine? It's not fine.
Why is it fine?
Because it is.
It'll give him a chance
to pull up his grades
next quarter.
And just think. A week
in "Paree" and he'll come back
sounding just like, um...
Marcel Marceau.
Dad, can I borrow
your camera?
It's not a camera, it's a Nikon.
And it's out of the question.
- Mom?
- Al.
Everybody is
speaking French.
It's like
a second language
to these people.