Jonathan? Listen to me.
Where are you?
Go to "S- Bahn"
and take the train...
to Leninallee Station.
And I will
meet you there.
Leninallee Station. When?
You okay?
Yes, I'm okay.
Well, what's goin' on?
Where have you been?
I was being followed.
But, um, I lost him.
You were being
followed? By who?
I do not know.
He's a Russian, I think.
Oh, shit, 'cause when
I was waitin' at that
butcher shop for ya,
this policeman came up
and started hassling me.
I gave him your name.
It does not matter.
We have what we came for.
So we can get out of here?
Soon. I want you
to go back to the hotel,
and I will meet you there
in 45 minutes.
No, no, no.
I don't want to leave you.
Jonathan, please.
I know what I am doing.
Go back to hotel.
Soon we will be
in Spain, you will see.
Forty-five minutes?