Jagged Edge

He gets it all.
Jack Forrester is the direct beneficlary...

...of all Page Forrester's corporate
and personal assets.

Do you really think
he could've done that to his own wife?

What the hell is "that"? You murder
your wife to take all the money?

"That" is the oldest crime in theworld.
Only you're real smart...
...so you make it look like
some fucking Charlie Manson did it.

You want people to say: "Do you think
he could've done that to his own wife?"

lfl was gonna kill my wife,
that's theway I'd do it.

Mr. Forrester, why didn't you go out
to the beach housewith your wife?

I had dinner at the Union Club
and then I went back to the paper.

-I checked on the Sunday editorials.
- You don'twrite those yourself, do you?

I didn't think editors
wrote thelr own editorial.

Sometimes they do.
Did you write the ones about me?
Yes. I insisted on writing all of those.
Is that relevant here?
- The editorials I wrote on Mr. Krasny?
-I was just going to object.

Objection sustained.
I was just curious, that's all.

Pagewas a woman
of great generosity and compassion.

I think the thing I'll miss
about my sister the most...

...is her great sense of resolve.
Page always did
whatever she set out to do.

I'll miss her more than I know how to say.
Thank you.
Nice service.
