Jagged Edge

... I'll get him off.
Forget Styles, will you? Forget him!
You're going to eat yourself alive
with all that guilt.

I can't forget him, and nelther can you.
The fuck I can't!
- Sam, I'm responsible and so are you.
- Like hell I am!

Tom Krasny is responsible!
And fuck Styles and fuck you
and your goddamned guilt!

I'll take the case on one condition:
If you lie to me, or ifl think you're guilty,
I'll drop out.

That's not professional, and you know it.
It's not a problem.
I'm not going to lie to you.

I want Sam to have access to all your
personal and corporate correspondence.

Your financlal records,
your wife's records...

...everything. Absolute access.
- You got it.

We've got four months to the trial.
I don'twant you out in public.
I don'twant pictures of you in the paper.
Look as if your life's been shattered.
My life has been shattered.
I don'twant any visible support
from the firm, unless I ask for it.

I want to defend him alone.
Notwith a team of high-priced lawyers.

The jury will like that.
I like her.
Yeah? She pisses me off.
Nice to meet you. I'm very happy.
See you tomorrow.
- Andrew?
- Be back in a moment.

- What do you think?
- What the fuck do I know?

Did your mother ever wash
your mouth outwith soap?

Yeah. But it didn't do any fucking good.
What if he passes the polygraph?
How will you know if he's lying?

I'll know.
Teddy, a guy like him, you never know.
I'm representing Jack Forrester.
Is he finally going to cop a plea?
Go ahead, I'm a reasonable man. I'll listen.
I don'twant any problems with discovery.
I don't know what you're talking about.
If you hold anything back on me
I'm going to bust your ass wide open.
