What if someone came to you...
...under clrcumstances like these
and asked to be dropped from a case?
I probably would accede...
...to his or her wishes.
...with great regret.
What the fuck are you doing in the dark?
Playng with yourself?
Everything okay?
You're going to lovewhatwe got
on Bobby Slade.
What the hel"s the matter with you?
Come on, read it.
Are you okay?
You're not okey. You look like shit.
I'm sorry. Come here.
I'm sorry, kid.
Hear ye hear ye.
The Superior Court for the County
of San Franclsco is now in session.
- The Honourable Clark Carrigan presiding.
- Will counsel approach the bench?
Do you have anything you want
to say to me, Mrs. Barnes?
Yes, your Honour.
The defencewould like to recall
Bobby Slade.